July 25th, 2024

Recovery Update #1

One week removed, I'm feeling better but still have a ways to go.

The hardest part to illness and injury is staying positive. I think I've done a good job staying on the right side of this. My fall was an accident and while I could've done things differently, what happened is done and I need to move on.

The initial days of the injury was hard. I did not have much mobility and everything hurt. But two days ago I started doing more around the house and even got out to the store for a bit with the family. Yesterday I even went into the office for a bit and a happy hour event. Additionally I've not needed pain killers throughout the day–just morning and night. Today I've been ok without pain killers this morning. It's tender but I'm not wincing in pain constantly.

I got on the trainer for 30 minutes yesterday. It wasn't the most comfortable but I did it and I'm proud of that. I think it did a lot for my psyche and feeling like I'm progressing. I'm anxious to get back to training but I'll continue to be patient and keep the intensity very low on anything I do.