July 19th, 2024


I know I posted recently how excited I was to get back to work and race in December. While that hasn't changed, I'm gonna be sidelined for a few weeks.

Tow days ago on July 17th I woke up and had a great swim. I jumped in with a masters group and I can say that it is exactly what I need to push my swim times faster. Simply swimming next to others motivated me to push harder than if I was just by myself in a pool.

Well the coach said to get paddles which I have already but have seemed to have lost right before the trip to Coeur d'Alene. I knew I had some extras in the storage up in our garage. So I got out the ladder to take a peek in some boxes. As I was digging around I had one foot on the ladder and the other on the shelf. Definitely not safe but I've done it a hundred times.

Somehow I lost control and balance and fell about 4 feet and on the way down I landed on the Peloton bike crank and pedal. Long story short, I broke the ninth rib on my right side. I'm out 4-6 weeks.

I'm frustrated with myself but I know it could've been worse. I should've moved a few things out of the way pushed the ladder closer. I should've asked for help and pulled the box down entirely. Lesson learned. I'm moving on.

Night one sleeping with a broken rib was horrendous. I sat upright on the couch and would doze off for 30 minutes and then be awoken by pain or general discomfort. My wife ordered a wedge pillow for me and it arrived early in the morning. I was able to get it set up and slept most of the morning. Night two was much better.

Along with bruised back and ribs, my ego has taken a hit. I'll be fine. I just need to be patient. As the pain lessens I'll try and get on the trainer for some aerobic rides. I'll keep my core still and just spin. Not terribly excited about it but it's the best chance I have of keeping my fitness together until I heal up. Another thing I want to do is get my eating right. Not sure how I'll approach it but I have to do something to get the pounds reduced.

Anyway, the path to my goals will never be a perfectly straight line. I have to accept that and keep improving where I have control. Accidents happen and I can't let something like this get me down for long.