September 24th, 2024

Training on Vacation

It ain’t easy.

It’s 11:15pm and just finished a terrible Peloton ride. I love Peloton and it got me back into triathlons but at a hotel and strapped into pedal cages with a wobbly set of handle bars and a questionable power meter I’m just glad the workout is over.

I have some goals for myself and I also have a family. The two can’t always co-exist and family is gonna win every time for me when there’s a crossroads. I don’t make money from the sport so I can’t justify certain things a pro might.

When it come to family vacations you gotta be clear with yourself. Ahead of this trip I stacked up some rides midweek prior to leaving so I could get them in. I only had one ride while here at the resort and I knew it would be “meh” at best. The rest of the workouts were swim and runs. Swim in the lagoon and run on a treadmill or outside if it wasn’t too hot.

So far I’ve had been able to get in everything and shuffle things around and rest/recover and swim with the kids. Today was a bit tough because we had an early morning and a bit of an excursion. There was a change to the plan and it squeezed the opportunity I had to get on the bike.

Fortunately dinner with my wife was amazing but she was ready to sleep. I had some energy and so I got on the bike.

Doing something is almost always better than nothing -some triathlete I can’t remember right now. Might be Jenna or Miguel

That quote is what’s in my mind right now. I’m having a blast with my family and they’re not feeling like I’m just training away here. So what if it’s not always perfect, it never will be. Just happy to get in what I have and then get to lay around by the pool all day and chase a 7 & 5 year old around.